The Annual General Meeting of BILA for 2021 will take place on Monday, 21 February 2022 at 6.00 pm at the offices of Druces LLP, Salisbury House, London Wall, London EC2M 5SP.
All members are welcome to attend, however please inform the Hon. Secretary if you intend to do so.
The Annual General Meeting of the Association will have the following Agenda:
1. Approval of Minutes of the last AGM held on 8 February 2021 (click here to download)
2. President's Report on last year's activities and planned new activities
3. Hon. Treasurer’s Report and approval of accounts
4. Hon. Secretary’s report on membership
5. Appointment of the Officers of BILA, including a President to replace Roy Campbell, the current President, who is standing down from the position on 21 February 2022
6. Appointment of Committee Members. New Committee members are invited to join.
(Names to be listed)
7. Any Other Business.
Any member wishing to attend or to raise any matter at the AGM should contact Pat Deeley, Hon Sec. – by no later than Thursday 4 February 2022.
Finally, please inform the Hon Secretary if you are interested in joining the Committee. BILA is looking for new and committed members to join. Active participation is strongly encouraged and is required to ensure the future and growing profile of the Association.
Details to contact the Hon Secretary can be found here.
This is a hybrid event, members can participate via the following Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 870 7917 4646
Passcode: 558583